Thought Leadership

& Lead generation

SHIFT – Case study


The customer

SHIFT reached out to DII to get assistance on its thought leadership strategy with experts in the anti-money laundering and tax fraud fields, in order to develop its brand awareness and generate leads. The aim was to bring together C-Levels (Chief Compliance Officers) from insurance companies at each event to discuss a common issue. The aim was to position the company as a thought leader among these potential partners.

DII’s solution

DII proposed a collaboration around events for 2 consecutive years such as the “Anti-money laundering and tax fraud 2022” conference and the executive dinner with an attractive theme to engage a maximum number of guests at this dinner and enabled SHIFT to speak to these key contacts to establish its expertise.

And to ensure that the Thought leadership aspect was included SHIFT was announced as Exclusive Sponsor and co-hosted the dinner. DII also provided SHIFT with personalized advice before, during and after the event.

Let’s build your Thought Leadership and Lead Generation strategy together. Contact us !
